Saturday 29 March 2014

Evaluation activity 2 -

- How effective is the combination your main product and ancillary texts?

- The poster and magazine cover have a strong link as they have the same main image and similar font styles and editing patterns, this helps create a collective identity for our product. This is important as it reinforces the audience’s memory of our film, making them more likely to do and see it. The trailer also shares similar fonts and the same mysterious feel, mystery is one of the more prominent themes of all the products branding them together.
In all three the theme of Christmas is present, but in all is only subtly referred to, as we don’t take away from the horror feel too much. The way in which we have presented it in our poster and magazine create a sinister veil around what is usually a solely happy theme, this intrigues audiences and makes our film unique.

- Furthermore, the film poster and magazine both concentrate towards the antagonist of our film. In which they display and reveal her appearance with a nasty look and expression on her face which creates the audience having an instant disliking towards her and make them have a fear of her which is the aim for a horror genre film. The magazine cover tells audiences that there is an exclusive sneak preview including interviews with the cast, this makes audiences more likely to buy the magazine to cure their interest in the character of the antagonist. By reading about the cast, audiences will be more likely to go and see the film as they will feel they have a personal connection with the film. The magazine cover also displays snippets of the film, linking with the trailer and teasing the audience with information. The antagonist is looking straight out of the poster into the eyes of the audience, making them feel personally connected and like the advertisement is aid solely at them, this makes the audience more likely to take a closer look at the poster making the persuasive message more effective.
- Overall, the products therefore disguise the persuasive intent of the message as when audiences know they are being persuaded advertisements are less effective. The magazine cover included both hard and soft sell advertisement following both central and peripheral routes (elaboration likelihood model) to persuasion; this allows it to reach out to a large audience. The trailer and film poster focus more on the peripheral route, as our target audience will be predominantly this.
However we could have made a clearer link between the two paper products and the trailer to give the whole thing a stronger identity.


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