Monday 18 November 2013

Research and planning - breif story board

Story board preview:
1. Long shot- the teens come out of the house towards the car, with suitcases looking excited
2. Medium shot- putting the cases in the boot, shutting the boot (dialogue)
3. Long shot- the car from the outside driving through the country side
4. Medium shot - in the car the teens messing around being excited, (dialogue)
5. Close up- of driver trying to navigate, telling them to hush.
6. Long shot - outside of car again
7. Medium shot- one of the passengers (dialogue)
8. Close up- driver (I need to concentrate now) (news report of Martha, passengers drown it out)
9. Close up- driver turns the radio off
10. Long shot- car comes to a stop
11. Medium shot- driver gets out of the car and walks round to the bonnet to see what's happened
12. Medium shot- opening the bonnet (match on action) (dialogue states that there is nothing wrong with the car it just won't work)
13. Long shot- establishes the location as all the teens get out of the car, they appear confused ('do we even know where we are?') ('I have no signal')
14. Close up- of characters face showing she is worried and vulnerable, ('I thought you knew where we were going')
15. Long shot- establishes the house showing it is surrounded by fields (deep notes makes the house seem slightly sinister)
16. Close up- shows the front door is slightly open; character pushes the door fully open
17. Medium shot- door opening from the inside (match on action) teens enter the house.
18. Medium shot- teens establish that the house is deserted, one of them picks up an old newspaper.
19. Medium shot- one of the teens flops onto the sofa ('looks like this places deserted')
20. Medium shot- teen pulls a bottle of alcohol out of the cabinet ('seems like we are going to get our holiday after all')
21. Medium shot- (loud music) teens having a good time
22. Medium shot- (loud music) teens having a good time
23. Medium shot- (loud music) teens having a good time (climax)
24. Medium shot- one of the teens finds a weird picture ('look at this') (music stops)
25. Close up- of picture; a girl with her parents whose faces have been scratched out
26. Close up- of more weird stuff in the draw
27. Medium shot- shows puzzled expressions (scared) (door slams upstairs) characters jump and exchange scared expressions
28. Close up- of characters face, worried expression ('what was that?')
29. Title- fades in and out
30. Medium shot- teens looking out of place and on edge (doorbell rings) shot catches their reaction
31. Medium shot- establishing the door
32. Medium shot- character from behind looking out of the window
33. Medium shot- view from where the character is looking, nothing out there
34. Medium shot- same shot but a distorted image of our antagonist really quickly camera appears to jump
35. Close up- the characters face as she jumps back, showing her fear.
36. Medium shot- the other characters one of them laughs nervously, shot slows

Most shots fade out to black signifying a gap in time.

37. Close up- big knife on the counters, Martha's hand come into the shot picking the knife up (sharp eerie sound)38. Close up- as the character spins round the camera follows her showing fear on their face, giving the effect that the character is about to faint
39. Medium shot- character running through the door tripping over the landing and slamming the door
40. Medium shot- match on action of the door
41. Close up- something falling of a counter and smashing (slow motion)
42. Long shot- character running down the stairs, falling
43. Medium shot- two characters together crying, looking at each other
44. Medium shot- character standing up looking down at them scared ('there is no escape')
45. Medium shot- character running through the room, in desperation
46. Long shot- outside of the house antagonist slowly walking towards the house creepily
47. Long shot- antagonist walks down the hall slowly with knife in her hand by her side
48. Close up- knife stabbed into the counter by antagonist
49. Close up- flashes of newspaper headlines about the antagonist (really fast) x6
50. Medium shot- male and female character under the bed crying trying to be silent, girl has hand over her mouth, Martha walks past all you see are her feet.
51. Medium shot- character from behind banging on the front door frantically trying to get out
52. Medium shot- axe on chopping block
53. Medium shot- same as before minus the axe
54. Medium shot- character on the floor scrambling backwards away from antagonist who is just outside of the picture frame
55. Close up- character space crying and scared (shouts 'what do you want')
56. Medium shot- character peers around the corner, falls to the floor as if their feet have been taken from under them
57. Long shot- same character being dragged backwards with a rope
58. Medium shot- character face down a the bath tub
59. Long shot- camera wobbling as it approaches the house (pace slows)
60. Medium shot- looking at character inside the car trying and failing to start the engine
61. Close up - of the character (still from the outside the car) showing them panting gripping the steering wheel
62. Close up- from inside of the car of the wing mirror showing the antagonist by the car (fast intake of air) flash and she is gone
63. Long shot- Character backing away down a dark hall slowly
64. Long shot- the same character spins round (as a creak sounds behind her)
65. Medium shot- shows the character turn back around to come face to face with our antagonist
66. Close up- an axe being dragged along the floor behind our antagonist, (camera at floor level only shows her bottom half)
67. Long shot- character sprinting through field (really dark)
68. Medium shot- female character curled up in the corner of a dark room crying, shadow goes over her (as if someone is standing over her, she looks up and goes to scream
69 - 74 really fast flashes of images yet to be discussed
75. Long shot- of the house at night
76. Close up - of antagonist (really short flash)
77. Long shot- of the house at night
78. Close up - of antagonist (really short flash)
79. Long shot- of the house at night
80. Coming soon
81. 31/10/14

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