Tuesday 25 June 2013

Research and planning - hunger games analysis

- In the hunger games trailer the audience are introduced to the different characters included in the film. From the victims, protagonist to the antagonist.
- The plot of the narrative of the film is shown during the trailer which explains and includes what the rest of the film is going to include.
- In the trailer shows the narrative and the audience are shared with the equilibrium where the main characters life is normal and shes settled and happy. The mise-en-scene of the clothing and location of the clip is stereotyped as a lower status and under the working class which aren't wealthy. However, this then changes when her sister gets taken away to be apart of the games when there clothing is shown as being similar which presents the people who are getting chosen as being in the same position and under control which is completely different to the equilibrium shown at the beginning of the trailer. There is objective character identification where the trailer creates a sense of the audience being in the mind set of the characters involved which creates the audience to feel engaged with the characters within the beginning of the trailer.
- The trailer for the film creates the audience to feel engaged with the main character as she has more screen time and prevalence within the trailer and she has voiceovers as the clips of the film are still playing which creates a sense of that shes the protagonist within the film which shall make the audience have objective character identification.
- The use of music within the trailer creates tension and shall make the audience in suspense as its heart racing music which links with the action taking place within the opening two minutes. The music stays the same within the trailer. This shall have a positive effect towards the audience as thats what trailers are meant to send accross. This doesn't give to much away about the film as the main event of the film doesn't get shown within the trailer as it cuts to the name of the film and the release date which is what makes trailers do within the film industry.

Research and planning - sinister trailer anaylsis

- Sinister is a 2012 supernatural horror film directed by Scott Derrinckson and written by Derrickson and C. Robert Cargill. He found ideas from the film the ring for the film sinister. It was released during October 5th March.

- The beginning of the trailer starts with a long shot of a house which the audience shall think that its related and which is an important part included in the film and the main location of the film and where the horror action takes place. Then it flashes to a close up of a picture of children where a young girl is circled which shall infer to the audience that she is a target. It flashes with a face pace edit back to a long shot of a house which has the use of slow motion moving slowly towards the house from a distance which goes into a medium shot. By using these shot types shall create a sense of uncertainity and suspense towards the audience and they shall question to why the girl is circeled and whether the drawing of the family have some links with the house and whether the action had taken place in that house. The colour and contrast of the shot is shown being during the night which is pitch black which creates more of a mysterious theme and setting towards the film. The contrast of the effect is increased and the brightness of the colour is decreased.
- The trailer then goes to a black screen with white text saying 9 months later. Which is obvious towards the audience that the film has gone forward by 9 months which then goes to medium shot of the house which is more clear as its in day light with boxes which infers to the audience that theres a new family moving into the house. The trailer then goes to a clip the main character who looks like the dad of the family who walks into a room with boxes which looks to be a room which is he for his work or which is related to work. During this part of the trailer the audience meet the characters and family members which are included in the film. From getting introduced by the little girl then a long shot of the family sitting around the dinner table which we see are the mum the dad and the two children which are a boy and a girl.
- Theres a part of the trailer where the mum and dad of the family share an intimate moment which infers to the audience that they are married which shows that love is included in the film.
- Theres then a long shot included from inside the atic of the dad climbing up the ladder into the atic with a box in his hands. The effect of having a long shot of the dad coming into the atic looks as if someone is watching him come into the attic which creates a suspense atmopshere for the audience. He then sees a box in the middle of the attic which seems quite strange he looks at the box with an unsure nervous look on his face which is use of mise-en-scene for facial expressions and body language. It then cuts to showing the producer of the film and which films he produced which are paranormal activity and insidious which shall have an impact of the success of the distribution of the film as the audience know about paranormal activity and insidious were successful it shall make sinister have a fan base within the film industry and it shall create more of a success for the film as the producer is well known within the film industry.
- The effects of blackouts are included during the trailer which creates a sense of uncertainty about whats going to happen during the film. By having black outs it shall have an effect on the audience which shall question whats going to happen. The black out creates time for the audience to think about whats going to happen which builds up tension which is what horror films and trailers aim to do towards the audience. By having this effect within the trailer it shall lead to the film which is what the producer of sinister wants the effect of during the film.
- There is a use of the closeup of a camera flashing towards the shot and the audience which flickers. By having a close up of this creates the sense of how the main character is feeling from finding the records and videos. It creates the audience to feel more engaged and involved within the trailer which shall make them want to watch the film. The use of fast pace shots which goes quick from one shot to another which creates tension and builds up what the videos are going to show. As the trailer gets towards the middle the trailer creates clips from the film in one which go from one to another, once a small part of the clip is shown it quickly goes to another one which doesn't give to much away. The use of the different shots used within the film creates an effect of suspense.
- We then see a close up of the mans glasses and eyes which then has a reflection of what the video shows which is the car which is getting put on fire. The effect of showing the close up of the mans glasses with the reflection of the fire infers to the audience that its real. The shot then shot reverse shots to the video and then the mans close up. By having shot reverse shot has an effect from two points of view where the audience shall feel as if they are looking from his point of view then the close up of the man shall show what hes feeling and shall give the audience a sense of his emotion.
- It then does a fast pace shot zooming into a close shot of the main character on edge of his seat with the fast pace music. The effect of the fast pace music infers the type of music which is shown included in horror genre films within the film industry.
- The fast snappy shots create an effect on the audience as when theres shots which are fast it links to something. Theres a closeup of a picture of the antagonist which then goes into a long shot of the antagonist looking into the window by using two different shots in one shot creates the audience to feel intrigued and creates tension which is what horror genre films include in them.
- Theres then clips which are shown as one shot as they are little bits of some of the clips included in the film. During the trailer theres the use of mise-en-scene. The use of clothing is shown as normal the antagonists wears clothes which normal people shall wear. As the antagonist from sinister wears a suit which infers normality as suits represents a professional look which doesn't give two much away with the victim. The antagonist from Sinister's costume comes across as more threatening.
- The last part of the trailer towards the end includes music which creates tension and ends with the antagonists victims sitting around then with the antagonist appearing in the screen. The way the trailer ends with the antagonist creates more of a suspense with the audience and shall make the audience engaged with the character within the trailer.
- The trailer ends with the name of the film with a soundtrack which is mysterious and shall make the audience want to know what's going to happen with the rest of the film which creates suspense and uncertainty towards the audience as there's not anymore clips shown within the trailer. By ending with credits and titles shall create suspense towards the audience which is what trailers include within successful trailers within the film industry.

Research and planning - man of steel magazine cover

Friday 21 June 2013

Research and planning - man of steel film poster

- How is the genre conveyed?
- The genre of man of steel is action. The way the film poster infers this towards the audience is the way the picture and edit behind superman which is shooting through the sky is blurry behind. By having a blurry effect shall infer to the audience how fast superman is going. This links with being an action horror as its fast a furious. Superman is a superhero from other films and is stereotyped as the hero and someone who saves people and activities which is going on. The way that superman is shooting over the city and through the sky infers the power and authority he has over everyone included in the film. By having a birds eyed view shot of the city and a closeup shot of superman uses the effect of superman on the audience. The use of facial expression of superman infers that hes serious and determined to save people which is what the film poster wants the audience to infer and see which is what action films want to get across to the audience. The use of mise-en-scene the clothing of superman infers that he is superman as he is wearing a superman costume. The location of the film poster is a busy city this infers that there shall be crime which is whats included in a horror genre film within the film industry.
- What is the USP?
- The name of the film is the USP at the audience know that superman is the main character and protagonist within the film. By having the film named as the man of steel creates more of an effect that superman doesn't just save people but he shall be able to face anything and that hes made from steel which shall make the audience want to see him in action which shall make the film be successful within the film industry. The picture of superman infers that he has the control and authority within the film, as theres a shinning light trying to get through superman in the top left hand corner which shall infer his dependence which others have for him within the film industry.
-Colour of the poster?
- The colour of the poster has the use of dark dim colours, not bright. The colours used are bold and not too many are used to attract away from superman which is wearing his superman costume. The colour of the city below superman is just normal basic colours which creates the name and title of the film to appear more and to be more noticeable towards the audience which is what the film producers want to get across to the audience as the name of the film shall be easy to remember for the audience which shall make them want to watch it which shall make the film have a fan base before the film is released within the film industry.
- Conventions of poster?
- The conventions of the film poster of man of steel links with the trailer and gives the audience some idea with what the film is going to be about and who its going to include as it mentions the name of the film, the producers, directors and actors which are included in the creation of the film. By including the credits, titles and information about the film shall give the audience an opinion on the film and it shall infer to the audience whether its going to be successful. This shall make the film have a fan base which shall make the film more successful within the film industry.

Wednesday 19 June 2013

Research and planning - man of steel analysis

- How does the Man of steel trailer attract its target audience?

- Directed by - Zack Snyder
- Actors - Henry Cavill
              - Amy Adams
              - Michael Shannon
              - Diane Lane
              - Kevin Costner
              - Laurence Fishburne
              - Antje Traue
              - Ayelet Zurer
              - Russell Crowe
- Special effects - The film uses the special effect of CGI - computer generated image.
- Being a part of a franchise - As the film is already part of a franchise the film shall already have a fan base which shall make the film more well known and popular to the audience.
- The genre - Action

- The director Zack snyder of the film man of steel has directed many other well known films which makes him a well known successful director within the film industry. These films include sucker punch which was also an action genre film and dawn of the dead which is a horror. This infers that he has done more than one type of genre film which makes the audiences feel confident that the film man of steel is going to be a good and successful film. As zack snyder is well known this shall make the audience want to watch the film which shall send the film over worldwide which shall make it a successful film within the filming industry. The actors which are included within the film have been actors within other films which make the film appeal to more of an audience as they shall like different actors. The development of the film began during 2008 and was released during 2013.
- The beginning of the trailer consists of different camera shots and angles of what it looks to be the main character. The first shot shown there is the use of a low angle shot which the main character is facing back towards the audience which shall make the audiences want to know what the character looks like and who it is. Furthermore, we then see the characters face with a use of a close up shot which shall make a connection between the audience and the character which is what the trailer is meant to do and its meant to make the audience have more of a suspense. There is then different effects used during the beginning of the trailer which are fading each of the different parts of the scenes of the film together which make the trailer more a suspense towards the audience for the film. Theres the use of close up shots of different scenes which makes the trailer have more of an interaction between the audience and the film.
- The trailers introduces the main characters which are included in the film by using close up shots. The effect of using close up shots for the main characters infers to the audience there feeling and emotion which shall make the audience feel more engaged within the film and the characters.
- The use of mise-en-scene is used during the trailer within the props and location. By showing props and location of the film shall give some of the film away towards the audience. The trailer doesn't give too much away about where the location is but buy showing a sneak peak of the location and props shall make the audience question about the film and shall make them want to see it.
- Before the trailer the film shall already have a fan base as the genre of the film is action and people who enjoy watching action genre films shall want to see it. Before the trailer is released there shall be different promotions and merchandise for the film and selling the film to the audience. By having posters of the film shall show which actors and actresses are included in the film and who produced and directed the film. For the film 'man of steel' there is well known actors, actresses, directors and producers within the film industry which shall have an impact on who shall see the film which shall make more of a fan base for when the film shall be released worldwide and within cinemas in which the film shall have more of an audience and more people wanting to view and see the film.
- Within the trailer it shows two types of locations and two types of situations within the film. Where there's a normal town location with normal people and normal things then there's a part of the trailer which shows the main character which is superman using his power to power up to the sky and to out of space the shot types used at this point of the trailer are used to create effect and to make superman look like hes in control and has power towards the audience. The shot types used were low angle shot where it looks like hes shooting away above everyone and the audience which creates a sense of someone being in trouble of him having the power and is showing the rest of the characters vulnerability within the trailer.
- The trailer then shows Zack synder name and then goes straight into tense fast pacing filming of a scene within the film with explosions which shall create a sense of suspense of whats going to happen throughout the rest of the film. Then they show the producers and directors name then goes to scenes from the filming. By separating the scenes of the trailer and having a pattern of showing a clip from the film then showing names of people which are involved in making the scene and the actors makes it more of something people shall want to watch as they don't show too much of the film.
- Towards the end of the trailer the audience shall infer that theres a sense of love involved within the film as the use of mise-en-scene of body language between the women and superman where theres a close up shot of them holding eachothers hands and the use of there eye contacting looking at eachother which the audience shall perceive as they are have a relationship with eachother.
- The end part of the trailer is a close up of superman's came going across the scene which is saying to the audience that if they want to see more then they've got to watch the rest of the film which is what the trailer is doing and the audience shall be wanting to see whats going to happen within the film.
- The use of non-digetic and digetic sound within the trailer creates supesnse towards the audience. The beginning of the trailer is silent when showing whoes the creators of the film. Non-digetic sound is used when the first clip is shown the music used is a soundtrack which is slow and has a deep tone which has a women speaking over it. By having a slow deep tone and not too loud shall make the women stand out in which the audience shall listen to what she is saying which shall make the audience understanding the film. The music used it continuous through the trailer apart from when it goes silence which creates suspense the music used is slow and is a women singing which is sad and its something which the audience shall notice within the film. The music then gets louder and creates more of a suspense trailer. A man then questions the question then the music stops and the trailer ends. By ending the trailer on a question shall make the audience think about the answer but by watching the film shall make them have more of answer to the question as they have watched it which shall create more of a fan base within the film and shall make the film be more popular within the film industry and have more of a success.
- The trailer creates the feeling of the audience feeling more engaged within the film and with the characters within the film which makes them have more of an understanding of the film. Which shall make them want to watch the rest of the film in cinemas which shall make the film have more of a success and be well known within the film industry.