Friday 21 June 2013

Research and planning - man of steel film poster

- How is the genre conveyed?
- The genre of man of steel is action. The way the film poster infers this towards the audience is the way the picture and edit behind superman which is shooting through the sky is blurry behind. By having a blurry effect shall infer to the audience how fast superman is going. This links with being an action horror as its fast a furious. Superman is a superhero from other films and is stereotyped as the hero and someone who saves people and activities which is going on. The way that superman is shooting over the city and through the sky infers the power and authority he has over everyone included in the film. By having a birds eyed view shot of the city and a closeup shot of superman uses the effect of superman on the audience. The use of facial expression of superman infers that hes serious and determined to save people which is what the film poster wants the audience to infer and see which is what action films want to get across to the audience. The use of mise-en-scene the clothing of superman infers that he is superman as he is wearing a superman costume. The location of the film poster is a busy city this infers that there shall be crime which is whats included in a horror genre film within the film industry.
- What is the USP?
- The name of the film is the USP at the audience know that superman is the main character and protagonist within the film. By having the film named as the man of steel creates more of an effect that superman doesn't just save people but he shall be able to face anything and that hes made from steel which shall make the audience want to see him in action which shall make the film be successful within the film industry. The picture of superman infers that he has the control and authority within the film, as theres a shinning light trying to get through superman in the top left hand corner which shall infer his dependence which others have for him within the film industry.
-Colour of the poster?
- The colour of the poster has the use of dark dim colours, not bright. The colours used are bold and not too many are used to attract away from superman which is wearing his superman costume. The colour of the city below superman is just normal basic colours which creates the name and title of the film to appear more and to be more noticeable towards the audience which is what the film producers want to get across to the audience as the name of the film shall be easy to remember for the audience which shall make them want to watch it which shall make the film have a fan base before the film is released within the film industry.
- Conventions of poster?
- The conventions of the film poster of man of steel links with the trailer and gives the audience some idea with what the film is going to be about and who its going to include as it mentions the name of the film, the producers, directors and actors which are included in the creation of the film. By including the credits, titles and information about the film shall give the audience an opinion on the film and it shall infer to the audience whether its going to be successful. This shall make the film have a fan base which shall make the film more successful within the film industry.

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