Tuesday 25 June 2013

Research and planning - hunger games analysis

- In the hunger games trailer the audience are introduced to the different characters included in the film. From the victims, protagonist to the antagonist.
- The plot of the narrative of the film is shown during the trailer which explains and includes what the rest of the film is going to include.
- In the trailer shows the narrative and the audience are shared with the equilibrium where the main characters life is normal and shes settled and happy. The mise-en-scene of the clothing and location of the clip is stereotyped as a lower status and under the working class which aren't wealthy. However, this then changes when her sister gets taken away to be apart of the games when there clothing is shown as being similar which presents the people who are getting chosen as being in the same position and under control which is completely different to the equilibrium shown at the beginning of the trailer. There is objective character identification where the trailer creates a sense of the audience being in the mind set of the characters involved which creates the audience to feel engaged with the characters within the beginning of the trailer.
- The trailer for the film creates the audience to feel engaged with the main character as she has more screen time and prevalence within the trailer and she has voiceovers as the clips of the film are still playing which creates a sense of that shes the protagonist within the film which shall make the audience have objective character identification.
- The use of music within the trailer creates tension and shall make the audience in suspense as its heart racing music which links with the action taking place within the opening two minutes. The music stays the same within the trailer. This shall have a positive effect towards the audience as thats what trailers are meant to send accross. This doesn't give to much away about the film as the main event of the film doesn't get shown within the trailer as it cuts to the name of the film and the release date which is what makes trailers do within the film industry.

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