Tuesday 22 October 2013

Research and planning - influences within production

- Within the media industry there consists of ideas for our film which helps us with our ideas to make our trailer successful -
- Our narrative and storyline is influenced by films such as the ‘Scream’ franchise, ‘The Ring’ and 'Friday the 13th’. Revenge based crimes which often end in the isolation and death or a group of teens. In these films many of the scenes involve fast paced editing and music that makes the audience jumpy and raises their heart beats as the characters fight for their lives. The trailers start with equilibrium then break out into flashing shots of the characters fear and struggle to survive.

- We want to include scenes that make the audience feel within suspense from the dark which shall create tension. Surrounding the characters within darkness will make the audience edgy and unsure of what the it is concealing, as films are often viewed in the dark this will make the audience wary of their surrounding as if they are in the characters shoes. Furthermore, the close ups of the characters faces show there expressions and emotions clearly.
- We included our ideas from the inspiration included within the film Scream 4, which consisted of the idea of an empty house in the middle of nowhere, this isolates the character making the vulnerable and the scenes more exciting.

- Often included within horror films the antagonist creeps up behind the victim in a shot where only the audience shall see the threat towards the character which shall make the audience feel engaged within the film and they have a sense of participation within the film.  This creates more of an effect on the audience, meaning that a trailer will be more effective in capturing the audiences attention and making sure it is memorable towards the audience and within the film which shall make the trailer successful within the film industry.

Friday 18 October 2013

Research and planning - pie chart analysis of questionnaire

- For our questionnaire we have gathered the information and based it within a piechart which gives a clearer gudieline and understanding of what the audience enjoy within a horror genre film which gives us ideas of what to include within our horror genre trailer.

- Question 1 - which horror sub-genre do you prefer?


- Quesion 2 - Which components of horror films do you find most effective?

- Question 3 - Which is your favourite features/styles of horror films?


Well done Emma. By the end of half term you need to have designed titles and evidenced your storyboard. You need to interview some of your actors, which can be done by video-blogging. Include pie charts to accompany your questionnaire. A good start so far Emma - keep it up!

Research and planning - successful directors and actors

- Successful actors within the film industry during 2013 horror genre films have starred -

- Patrick Joseph Wilson which has been included in the successful horror genre film insidious and the 2013 the conjuring. From having a well known actor which starred within the successful insidious shall make the conjuring have a fan base before the film is released within the film industry. However, films within the film industry use famous well known actors which sells the film towards the audience. Furthermore, horror genre films don't tend to have as many famous actors than other genre films which creates an advantage for us as we are doing a horror genre film and the audience aren't attracted to watching the horror genre film because of the actors whereas, the trailer influences and enagages the audience to watch the film as it creates suspense within the trailer.  As we are doing a horror genre film our unique selling point includes not including famous well known actors which shall make it link to conventions of a horror genre film within the film industry.

- Tobin Bell  is the main character within all seven saw films. The film saw is a sequel and is a continuous narrative and storyline. From Tobin Bell starring in all saw films presents towards the audience that he is a well known successful actor within the film industry.

- Successful directors within the film industry -

- James Wan is an Australian film producer, screenwriter and film director of Malaysian Chinese descent. James Wan is known for directing horror genre films which are successful and popular within the film industry' which include saw and creating Billy the puppet. Furthermore, hes also directed Dead Silence, Death Sentence, Insidious, Insidious: Chapter 2, and The Conjuring. By Wan directing these successful films it shall make him well known within the film industry and his certain films shall create a fan base before the films are released which shall make his films successful within the film industry.

Research and planning - popular films of 2013 which link with our trailer

- The 2013 film the conjuring is an American supernatural horror genre film which links with the sub-genre film which we are going to include within our film trailer. As a supernatural sub-genre horror film is the most common which we gathered from our questionnaire results. The conjuring trailer is a well presented trailer as it includes the typical conventions of whats to be included within horror genre film as the use of mise-en-scene is used well throughout the trailer which shall make the film successful within the film industry.

Wednesday 16 October 2013

Research and planning - soundtrack research

- The typical horror genre soundtrack is subtly mysterious and enigmatic creating an eerie suspense that engages the audience. Therefore, for our horror trailer we aim to create a similar piece of music that shall fit into this convention.

- Examples of this,

- The trailer for the women in black coveys the typical conventions of a horror genre soundtrack as the trailer begins with an eerie tone building up throughout to create a dramatic climax. This shall make the audience feel more engaged which shall entice the audience to watch the film allowing a fan base to populate creating the success of the film within the film industry.

- Diegetic music of a clock ticking opens the trailer which allows the audience to feel involved within the trailer which shall create the audience to understand and follow the film. Continuing on the trailer then includes non- diegetic sound which is the use of a fast pace, heart thrilling soundtrack which creates tension and builds suspense towards the audience which is whats included within the conventions of a horror genre film within the film industry.

- Diegetic sound opens the trailer which creates suspense towards the audience as the sound includes the use of a mans breathing which infers that hes running away from something or its antagonist. By starting with diegetic sound the audience shall find it easier to follow the narrative as they are engaged within the characters at the beginning of the trailer which adds the audience to feel enticed and involved within the film. The trailer then goes to non- diegetic sound which is presented in a mysterious heart racing tone which creates a negative effect on the audience as they shall think something drastic is going to commence during the trailer which makes the audience weary and question whats going to happen. This shall make the film successful within the film industry.

- From researching horror genre trailers we can see that these certain trailers include similar soundtracks connoting which music we shall include in order to create our trailer to be successful.

Monday 14 October 2013

Research and planning - mood board analysis

- The mood board we created represents and presents the certain characters, props and locations which is going to be included within our trailer. Each of the pictures within the mood board shall help build the storyline of our film and trailer as we shall see from the pictures the effects of what they shall make within the trailer.
- Picture 1 represents and presents an antagonist which is similar to our antagonist which is from when she was younger. By having a younger antagonist it adds more of an effect as its not known for the antagonist being a younger person. Even though our antagonist isn't as young as the girl within the picture it still links with our antagonist as her whole persona creates and connotes innocence which makes it more realistic within the trailer.
- Pictures 2 and 3 include pictures of two women which look troubled and have messy hair which adds more of a effect towards the character. They look possessed, this links with our characters within our films as their hair has parts of the clip with looking distressed like the women displayed within the two pictures.
- Pictures 4 and 7 represents and presents our antagonists clothing which is a hospital gown which connotes that she has been within a metal institution which is included within a convention of a horror genre film within the film industry.
- Picture 5 represents and presents the typical teenagers we are including within our film which teenagers are included within the conventions of a horror genre film within the film industry.
- Picture 6 represents a typical location within the middle of nowhere which creates a sense of mystery which is included within the convention of a horror genre film within the film industry.
- Picture 8 represents and presents a typical family within the conventions of a horror genre film which creates the audience to feel engaged and involved within the trailer which is included within the film industry.
-  Pictures 9 and 11 represents and presents the conventions of a horror genre film props which are used which creates impact and effect towards the film which shall make it link with a horror genre film within the film industry.
- Picture 10 presents and represents the eye contacts we are using within our trailer for the antagonist which makes the antagonist noticeable and creates an effect towards the audience and the antagonist which is a convention of a horror genre film within the film industry.

Sunday 13 October 2013

Research and planning - questionnaire anaylsis

- Our responses from our questionnaire gives us an interpretation of what the audience like within the film industry. As we are doing a horror genre trailer we made the questions link to what types of horror genre film the audience like and enjoy to watch. Furthermore, the responses gave us a clear understanding and perception of what horror genre films are popular within the film industry and what the audience finds effective within a film and what makes a successful horror genre film overall within the film industry.

- From question 1 we found that the audience preferred and had more of a liking towards a supernatural horror genre film. The films which we found came under the supernatural horror genre film were insidious and paranormal activity which were successful films within the film industry. As our research found that the audience preferred the horror films which were included within the supernatural horror genre. Furthermore, within horror genre trailer we have come to a decision of making it similar to a supernatural horror genre film as that's what our findings included and its successful within the film industry.

- From question 2 we found that the audience and people preferred having one antagonist within the film as it shall create more suspense towards the audience and makes it more of a mystery and it creates the antagonist having more authority and being dominant within the film which is included within the convention of an antagonist as there's only one antagonist the audience shall be watching which shall make the audience feel engaged towards the antagonist which is what we perceived from asking this question towards the audience within our questionnaire and it made us interpret which types of films the audience like within the film industry.

- From question 3 the majority of people thought that having death within the trailer establishes the genre of the film as it links within the film being face paced which helps create the effect and impact towards the audience as it creates suspense towards the audience which shall make the film successful within the film industry.

- From question 4 the majority of the audience and people said that editing was the most effective as if a horror genre film doesn't include continuity or realism it creates the film not to be scary. Furthermore, editing includes the film to have realism which shall make the film more watchable towards the audience and shall make the film more convincing and believable and shall make the film successful within the film industry.

- From question 5 the majority of people said that they tend to watch films 1-2 times a month which we shall interpret that its more of a occasional type of film to watch. From watching a horror genre 1-2 times a month shall make the film more interesting and the audience shall have a reaction towards the film as it shall be more exciting towards the audience which helps create an effect and impact which is successful within the media industry.

- From question 6 the majority of the audience and people said that the audience shall get to know the characters within the trailer as it shall create the audience to be engaged towards the audience which shall make the audience feel involved within the film which is a convention of a horror genre film within the film industry.

- From question 7 the audience responded and answered with a even set of answers. However, paranormal activity was occurred within the audiences responses as special effects are used well within the film which creates the film to be realistic which shall make the film successful within the film industry.

- From question 8 the audiences answers were a variety which included the audience saying that there shall be death but just include the identity of the killer which shall entice the audience towards the film as they shall want to know how the victim is killed. However, films like paranormal activity don't include the antagonist identity which creates more of a mystery towards the audience. Furthermore, both of these answers both shall include and create an effect towards the audience which shall make the audience want to know what's going to happen during the film and storyline of the film which is successful within the film industry.

Research and planning - trailers anaylsis

- The variety of horror genre trailers I've analysed and briefly looked at and seen they tend to include the important parts of the film for the audience to get a clear understanding of what's going to be included within the storyline and the rest of the film without giving to much away which shall give an effect towards the audience as they shall want to know what's going to happen within the rest of the film. Furthermore, this shall make the audience feel engaged towards the film which shall make the film have a fan base before the film is released which shall make the film have a fan base which shall make it popular within the film industry.

Research and planning - planning questionnaire

- For our questionnaire we asked a range of questions to get the audiences opinions on what makes a good horror film and which types of horror genre films they enjoyed to watch. We gathered this information from asking 20 people which made the answers contrast each other. From doing this questionnaire it helped us decide what to include within our horror genre trailer. The 8 questions shall include and perceive a variety of answers which make it clear to us what the audience like within horror genre films which we can include within our trailer.

1. Which horror sub-genre do you enjoy the most?
-Comedy horror

2. Do you prefer there to be a single antagonist (killer) or more than one?
3. Do you think there should be a deaths shown in the trailer?

4. What components of horror films do you find most effective?
-Camera shots
-Sound effects/music tracks

5. How many horror films do you watch a month?

6. Do you think audiences should be introduced to the characters in the trailer?

7. What is your favourite features/styles of horror films?
-Paranormal effects
-psychological messing
-Lots of deaths

8. Do you think the identity of the antagonist (killer) should be revealed to the audience in the trailer?

Friday 4 October 2013

Research and planning - mood board


Research and planning - audience profiling

- Scream 3 audience profiling.


- Within this comparable profile the age rate of people which watch the film scream 3 are aged between 15-24 which has a percentage of 57%. Whereas, the ages 4-6, 7-11 and 12-14 have the lowest percentage of the people which view and watch the film. Furthermore, both males and females like to watch the film as they have similar percentages which the male has 52% whereas, the female has 48% which infers that the film appeals towards both male and females within the contemporary UK.  The majority of people which watch this film are included within the middle-class. From this comparable profile it infers which audience types like which types of horror genre films which are successful within the film industry.

Thursday 3 October 2013

Research and planning - 1990s and 2013s horror genre trailer comparison anaylsis

- The 1990s film IT is a horror genre film which is directed by Tommy Lee Wallace which is a well known director within the film industry. He is known for doing films which were released within the 1980s-2004 horror genre films which were successful within the film industry which shall make the film appeal to a certain audience. By the audience knowing the director shall make the film have fan base before the film is released which shall make the film popular within the film industry. 
- The film is starring Harry Anderson, Dennis Christopher, Richard Masur,Annette O'Toole, Tim Reid, John Ritter and Richard Thomas, Tim Curry. These actors are well known and have starred in successful films within the film industry. The actor Dennis Christopher has starred in the successful film 'Breaking Away' and has starred in 40 films within the film industry which shall make the film successful and have a fan base as the actors have starred in films which have made a success within the film industry.

- The 2013 film 'IT' hasn't been released within the film industry yet. The film doesn't have a set date of being released within the film industry. However, even though the film hasn't had a release date or the film hasn't given to much away about the film the film shall still have a fan base and the audience shall want to watch it as its a new version of the original 1990 'IT' film. This shall make the audience want to see how the director which is Cary Fukunaga which the audience shall know that its not the director which directed the original 'IT' film. The director Cary Fukunaga isn't as a well known director than Tommy Lee Wallace  as Cary Fukunaga has only been known and started is career during 2006 and has only done films which aren't that well known within the film industry. Even though this shall make the audience question whether they want to watch his films it shall make them be curious to what his films shall be like and if there going to be successful or not within the film industry.

- The 1990 and 2013 film ' IT ' has the same institution and is distributed from the same company which is Warner brothers which is a well known institution within the film indites as the Warner brothers have distributed films what are successful within the film industry which consist of the 2013 film ' Man of steel ' which was successful within the film industry. By having the the films distributed by the same distributing company shall make the audience know that the film is going to be something they shall want to watch as Warner brothers have distributed successful films which have been popular within the film industry.

- Overall, the two films contrast eachother as they have the use of similar mise-en-scene, location and camera shots within the film. Both of the films include a variety of actors and actresses within the film which tend to be well known and successful within the media industry which creates a fan base and shall make the film more of an appeal towards the audience. The 1990s 'IT' film was a success within the film industry which shall make the 2013 modern 'IT' film have a fan base before the film is released which shall make the film successful within the film industry.

Research and planning - certificate

- 12 and 12A  certificates consists of

- Not expected to include much as its for children which are 12 and over. However, there shall be scenes which include sexual and violent scenes which is nothing inappropriate for 12 year olds.
- In 12A films they shall be careful with what they include within the film.
- Horror films which are included within the 12A certificate have to make sure that its not disturbing towards the audience within the film industry.
- Whereas, included within the cerifcate of a 12A is that the parents decide whether the children shall be able to watch the film within the media industry.

- 15 certificate consists of

- strong violence
- strong language can occur
- portrayals of sexual activity
- strong verbal references to sex
- sexual nudity
- brief scenes of sexual violence or verbal references to sexual violence
- discriminatory language or behaviour
- drug taking

- For a horror there can be gory and grusome scenes which aren't suitable for under 15s.

- 18 certificate consists of
-Noone under 18 is allowed to see an 18 film within the film industry.
-  The reasons for under 18s not being able to watch 18 certificate films is because they include-
-Strong violence
- Strong language

- Strong portrayals of sexual activity
- Sexual violence
- Horror
- Blood and gruesome

Research and planning - audience profiling

- The ring audience profiling.

- From this comparable profile of the ring I can infer that the age range of 15-24 has a higher percentage of watching the ring than the other age generation. From the table I shall infer that more females tend to watch the ring with a percentage of 54% whereas 46% of males watch the ring. Furthermore, the percentage of class range from 16-45% which is a difference. The majority of the percentage of viewers come from the middle upper class. The audience of the film are the ages of 15-24 which are females and middle upper class which presents that the older generation don't enjoy watching gory films within the film industry. From the comparable profile it represents that more females watch the ring as they shall relate to whats included within the film and using a child appeals towards a maternal instinct within the media industry.