Sunday 13 October 2013

Research and planning - questionnaire anaylsis

- Our responses from our questionnaire gives us an interpretation of what the audience like within the film industry. As we are doing a horror genre trailer we made the questions link to what types of horror genre film the audience like and enjoy to watch. Furthermore, the responses gave us a clear understanding and perception of what horror genre films are popular within the film industry and what the audience finds effective within a film and what makes a successful horror genre film overall within the film industry.

- From question 1 we found that the audience preferred and had more of a liking towards a supernatural horror genre film. The films which we found came under the supernatural horror genre film were insidious and paranormal activity which were successful films within the film industry. As our research found that the audience preferred the horror films which were included within the supernatural horror genre. Furthermore, within horror genre trailer we have come to a decision of making it similar to a supernatural horror genre film as that's what our findings included and its successful within the film industry.

- From question 2 we found that the audience and people preferred having one antagonist within the film as it shall create more suspense towards the audience and makes it more of a mystery and it creates the antagonist having more authority and being dominant within the film which is included within the convention of an antagonist as there's only one antagonist the audience shall be watching which shall make the audience feel engaged towards the antagonist which is what we perceived from asking this question towards the audience within our questionnaire and it made us interpret which types of films the audience like within the film industry.

- From question 3 the majority of people thought that having death within the trailer establishes the genre of the film as it links within the film being face paced which helps create the effect and impact towards the audience as it creates suspense towards the audience which shall make the film successful within the film industry.

- From question 4 the majority of the audience and people said that editing was the most effective as if a horror genre film doesn't include continuity or realism it creates the film not to be scary. Furthermore, editing includes the film to have realism which shall make the film more watchable towards the audience and shall make the film more convincing and believable and shall make the film successful within the film industry.

- From question 5 the majority of people said that they tend to watch films 1-2 times a month which we shall interpret that its more of a occasional type of film to watch. From watching a horror genre 1-2 times a month shall make the film more interesting and the audience shall have a reaction towards the film as it shall be more exciting towards the audience which helps create an effect and impact which is successful within the media industry.

- From question 6 the majority of the audience and people said that the audience shall get to know the characters within the trailer as it shall create the audience to be engaged towards the audience which shall make the audience feel involved within the film which is a convention of a horror genre film within the film industry.

- From question 7 the audience responded and answered with a even set of answers. However, paranormal activity was occurred within the audiences responses as special effects are used well within the film which creates the film to be realistic which shall make the film successful within the film industry.

- From question 8 the audiences answers were a variety which included the audience saying that there shall be death but just include the identity of the killer which shall entice the audience towards the film as they shall want to know how the victim is killed. However, films like paranormal activity don't include the antagonist identity which creates more of a mystery towards the audience. Furthermore, both of these answers both shall include and create an effect towards the audience which shall make the audience want to know what's going to happen during the film and storyline of the film which is successful within the film industry.

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