Monday 14 October 2013

Research and planning - mood board analysis

- The mood board we created represents and presents the certain characters, props and locations which is going to be included within our trailer. Each of the pictures within the mood board shall help build the storyline of our film and trailer as we shall see from the pictures the effects of what they shall make within the trailer.
- Picture 1 represents and presents an antagonist which is similar to our antagonist which is from when she was younger. By having a younger antagonist it adds more of an effect as its not known for the antagonist being a younger person. Even though our antagonist isn't as young as the girl within the picture it still links with our antagonist as her whole persona creates and connotes innocence which makes it more realistic within the trailer.
- Pictures 2 and 3 include pictures of two women which look troubled and have messy hair which adds more of a effect towards the character. They look possessed, this links with our characters within our films as their hair has parts of the clip with looking distressed like the women displayed within the two pictures.
- Pictures 4 and 7 represents and presents our antagonists clothing which is a hospital gown which connotes that she has been within a metal institution which is included within a convention of a horror genre film within the film industry.
- Picture 5 represents and presents the typical teenagers we are including within our film which teenagers are included within the conventions of a horror genre film within the film industry.
- Picture 6 represents a typical location within the middle of nowhere which creates a sense of mystery which is included within the convention of a horror genre film within the film industry.
- Picture 8 represents and presents a typical family within the conventions of a horror genre film which creates the audience to feel engaged and involved within the trailer which is included within the film industry.
-  Pictures 9 and 11 represents and presents the conventions of a horror genre film props which are used which creates impact and effect towards the film which shall make it link with a horror genre film within the film industry.
- Picture 10 presents and represents the eye contacts we are using within our trailer for the antagonist which makes the antagonist noticeable and creates an effect towards the audience and the antagonist which is a convention of a horror genre film within the film industry.

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