Wednesday 16 October 2013

Research and planning - soundtrack research

- The typical horror genre soundtrack is subtly mysterious and enigmatic creating an eerie suspense that engages the audience. Therefore, for our horror trailer we aim to create a similar piece of music that shall fit into this convention.

- Examples of this,

- The trailer for the women in black coveys the typical conventions of a horror genre soundtrack as the trailer begins with an eerie tone building up throughout to create a dramatic climax. This shall make the audience feel more engaged which shall entice the audience to watch the film allowing a fan base to populate creating the success of the film within the film industry.

- Diegetic music of a clock ticking opens the trailer which allows the audience to feel involved within the trailer which shall create the audience to understand and follow the film. Continuing on the trailer then includes non- diegetic sound which is the use of a fast pace, heart thrilling soundtrack which creates tension and builds suspense towards the audience which is whats included within the conventions of a horror genre film within the film industry.

- Diegetic sound opens the trailer which creates suspense towards the audience as the sound includes the use of a mans breathing which infers that hes running away from something or its antagonist. By starting with diegetic sound the audience shall find it easier to follow the narrative as they are engaged within the characters at the beginning of the trailer which adds the audience to feel enticed and involved within the film. The trailer then goes to non- diegetic sound which is presented in a mysterious heart racing tone which creates a negative effect on the audience as they shall think something drastic is going to commence during the trailer which makes the audience weary and question whats going to happen. This shall make the film successful within the film industry.

- From researching horror genre trailers we can see that these certain trailers include similar soundtracks connoting which music we shall include in order to create our trailer to be successful.

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