Monday 1 July 2013

Research and planning - Sinister film poster analysis

- The film poster of the supernatural horror genre film sinister conveys the conventions of a horror genre film within the film industry. The use of mise- en- scene helps with is the get the message across to the audience that is a horror genre film.
- The character within the film poster is dressed in white pyjamas which shall infer to the audience that she could either be controlled by the antagonist as she looks to be asleep or that shes sleep walking as shes having nightmares of the antagonist as she is a victim or being told what to do by him. Furthermore, the fact that the character is dragging blood against the wall with the image of the antagonist created within the blood shall infer that she is sleep walking and that she is possessed. The way her face is turn away from the audience shall make the audience question whether she looks evil or possessed. The way her face is turned and how the blood has smeared into the face of the antagonist shall infer towards that audience that she has been taken over by his evil entity. The way the girl has bare hands always links to her sleep walking as running blood across a wall with bare hands isn't a normal thing to do which infers that she is now the victim of the anatgonist.
- The colour scheme consists of the red, white and grey. The white infers a clinical type of feel to the poster. Whereas the use of the colour grey shall link with darkness, uncertainty and acts to the dark events which are going to take place within the film. Furthermore, the use of the colour red is presented within the blood the girl smeares over the wall with her bare hand. The colour red connotes blood, passion and gore a common colour used within horror film posters. Red and grey are conventionally colours within the horror genre however white isn’t as conventional and is usually reserved for use as text which contrasts with black backgrounds.
- The tagline used is ‘Once you see him, nothing can save you.’ The tagline links within the narrative of the film suggesting that once you see the antagonist you shall feel engaged with the film and like you’re a victim.
- The use of the font style of the title is a normal standard title setting for a horror genre film. It links with the blood over the walls as the black smudges of the text shall look as if the girl has smudged them which shall create more suspense towards the audience.
- Overall, the film poster uses the conventions of a horror genre film with the use of where the film poster has used its setting and location and the use of mise-en-scene which is important within a horror genre film and within the film industry.

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