Wednesday 3 July 2013

Research and planning - Mirrors film poster


- The film poster of the 2008 film Mirrors uses the conventions of a horror genre film. The uses of the colours of the film poster instantly hooks the audience towards the film and implies to the audience that is a horror genre film. The use of the colour red connotes evil and danger which is what is stereotypically known to be included in a horror genre film. The colour red stands out from the rest of the poster as the background colour uses low key lightening as its got the use of dark colours which include dark grey and white which creates a tense atmosphere and separates the title from the background as they infers a balance with a use of low key and high key lighting which makes it easier for the film name and title to stand out towards the audience which shall make them remember it and shall want to go and see the film which shall help publicise the film and create a fan base before the film is released. The way the title of the film Mirrors is position in a way where the two R's of the film which are facing each other which resembles the mirror of the film as it looks like a reflection and looking in the mirror which links with the trailer of the film as it shows the reflection of the characters looking in the mirror which makes it clear for the audience to understand the film poster and trailer and an idea of what the film is going to include throughout the rest of the film.
- The effect of the young boy with the reflection in the water included in the film poster creates a eerie atmosphere and links with the reflection of the name of the title and shall intrigue the audience as the the boy with the water shall be something which is shown in one of the clips throughout the film. The reflection of the boy in the water links what what is resembled as mirror as its a reflection.
- The use of the two main character's persona and body language within the film poster creates a sense of uncertainty as they are positioned and have the body language of looking apprehensive and anxious as to what the young boy is doing. Whereas, there is a contrasting link to what the body language infers towards the audience as they are shown as having the dominance and authority over the young boy which infers towards the audience that they are the protagonists or his parents.
- The USP of the film is 'Keifer Sutherland' shown at the top of the poster which signifies that he is a well known and important part to the film and within the film industry as he is a well known successful actor which shall make the audience already have an opinion on the film and shall make it have a fan base already before its released within the film industry.
- The way the poster conveys the conventions of a horror genre film is the text include within the poster where it says ' there is evil on the otherside' the text is positioned on the water where the young boys reflection is. This infers that the other side of the reflection which is the mirror there is danger and that's where the antagonist is which is what the message of the film poster is.
- Overall, the film poster mirrors represents a convention of a horror genre film and connotes the assets of what a horror genre film includes which is done by the use of mise-en-scene which is an important aspect to a horror genre film within the film industry.

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