Tuesday 9 July 2013

Research and planning - the vow trailer

- The 2012 film the Vow is a romantic drama film directed by Michael Sucsy and distributed by screen gems. The main characters within the film are well known successful actors within the film industry which shall appeal towards the audience and create more of a fan base before the film is released as Channing Tatum and Rachel McAdams have been in successful films within the film industry.
- The beginning of the trailer starts with over the shoulder shot of the two main characters with close ups of each of there faces to show there emotion. By showing the characters in detail at the beginning of the trailer shall make the audience feel more engaged within the film. The mise-en-scene of there clothing is wedding outfits where she is wearing a wedding dress and hes wearing a suit which infers to the audience that they just got married. The trailer then cuts to a middle shot of the location of the film which is shown as being some sort of gallery. Where the shot cuts a long shot of the security guards what look like there getting the two main characters which get married sent out of the gallery as they shouldn't be getting married in there which infers that they would do anything for love and to be together as that gallery might be a significance to them and means something to them and shall infer to the audience that they met there which is why they wanted to get married there.
- During the trailer they is two parts of the film separated up within the trailer where the love and happiness is towards the beginning of the trailer then theres a blackout then cuts to a lorry crashing into there car and having a accident which is shown in slow motion which adds the suspense towards the audience which shall make the audience want to see the film and shall make is successful within the film industry.
- The trailer has three sections to it where theres a happy scene then a sad scene then a happy scene again as the conventions of a romance genre film either a sad ending where someones love dies or it ends with a happy ending which is a convention for a romance genre which is what makes the film successful within the film industry.

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