Thursday 12 September 2013

Research and planning - avatar film poster analysis

- The 2010 film poster of avatar shows both of the main characters of the film which shall make the audience feel engaged with the actors. The way the poster positions and demonstrates the characters uses the human face and the avatar face combined together. The way the humans face which is the man represents that the male is in control and is the protagonist and that their paths shall cross throughout the film. The characters have a blue light shining on them which is represented as depth and stability which could also mean heaven or loyalty which infers towards the audience that they’re going to have a close relationship within the film. The way the avatar characters eye has used the colour yellow represents energy from the character. The background of the film poster also includes the moon with a sunset shown which shall infer that the location and setting of the film is set in different planet or a not normal place which is a convention of a fantasy, science fiction, action and adventure genre film. The audience shall interpret and have a perception of romance being included within the film as the sunset represents romance.
- By having ' From the director of terminator and titanic' shall make the film appeal to a certain audience and the film shall have a fan base before the film is released. It links with the name of the director at the bottom of the film poster ' James Cameron' by having such well known and successful films and directors within the film industry included in the film poster shall make the audience want to watch the film as the films which James Cameron has directed were successful within the film industry  James Cameron is a well known popular director and people tend to enjoy his films within the film industry.
- The colour used within the poster are simple as the colour blue as its a standard colour which represents faith and heaven which is included within the conventions of a fantasy, science fiction, action and adventure genre film within the film industry. 

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