Tuesday 10 September 2013

Research and planning - horror genre magazine cover anaylsis

- This magazine cover is a horror genre. It includes an image of the well known actor Johnny Depp and uses colours which match and link with a standard horror genre film which is included within the film industry.

- The uses of colour used within the magazine cover a cold. As the colours grey, black, blue and white are used which aren't too much of a bold statement colour there more myserious and dull. The colour grey represents unhappieness and nothing it portrays it to have an empty atmosphere which links with the colour black representation which represnts death, evil and mystery which links to a convention of a horror genre film. The use of the colour blue and white for the text within the magazine cover stand out as the colours are more of a statement than the colour of the background and image which makes the text more signifiant towards the audience. The way the the text uses the colour friend for 'starring' makes it more effective as to whoes the actor on the magazine cover which makes it have a build up to who it is and makes 'Johnny Depp' have more of an importance which is what the magazine cover whats to bring across and infer towards the audience which is what a magazine cover is wanting to achieve within the film industry.

- The main image on the magazine cover is Johnny Depp. This shall attract the audience to this magazine cover as Johnny Depp is a well known successful actor within the film industry. It shall make it appeal to a certain audience which is what films tend to achieve and do within the film indutsry as everyone has different tastes of genre films they like to watch and enjoy. The facial expression of Johnny Depp's face is intriuging as he looks unimpressed or like hes up to something with a devious plan which is inclulded within a convention of a horror genre film.

- The use of text and the image balance it out equally, which doesn't take distraction away from the image and text which is something which makes the magazine cover more effective which is what makes the magzine cover successful within the film industry.

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