Thursday 12 September 2013

Research and planning - scream 1996 film poster analysis

- The 1996 scream film poster uses conventions linked with horror genre film. The main image used on the film poster is of a close up of a young girl’s face. The girl’s eyes are opened widely as she looks shocked as if she's looking at something or seen something which has made her scared and speechless. The eyes of the girl shall follow the view and shall create the audience to feel engaged towards the character. As the girl seems to look pale it shall infer and represent towards the audience that she is frightened or she has been killed by the antagonist and is a ghost. The poster shall create a variety of interpretations and perceptions of what the image is inferring towards the audience which shall make the audience intrigued to find  out what's going to be the narrative and storyline within the film and what's going to be included within the film. The way the girls hand is covering her hand shall infer that she is shocked or that someone else like the antagonist is covering her mouth to stop her from screaming which shall make it more mysterious towards the audience which shall make the film have a fan base before the film is released which shall make the film popular which is what a film poster is meant to do within the film industry.

- The use of colour used within the poster are dark colours which include the colours black and white which represent the darkness of death. The colour black also denotes something being hidden, mysterious and the unknown which shall link to the mystery of who the antagonist which infers towards the audience that it is a horror genre film within the film industry.    

- There is some narrative at the top of the poster in white text. ‘Someone has taken their love of scary movies too far' This text gives the audience a clearer understanding of what the film will be about because it shows that it will be a film that is based upon finding out who the antagonist is within the film.

- By having the characters and actors names on the top of the film poster shall instantly make a fan base as the actors are well known and successful actors within the film industry and the audience shall know them from starring in other films. This shall make the film have a fan base before the film is released which shall make the film successful within the film industry. 

- The title of the ‘Scream’ is written along the bottom in white block capital letters which shall make the audience notice it as its bold which shall represent towards the audience that the film scream is loud. the audience notices it, because it is big and bold it represents how a scream is because it is big and loud. The letter 'M' 
has been edited which is shown to look like a sharp point which shall represents that a knife is involved for a weapon for the antagonist which is used for the victims which is a convention of a horror genre film which shall create an understanding towards the audience about the film and what's going to be included which is which a horror genre film includes within a film industry. 

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