Monday 16 September 2013

Research and planning - step brothers trailer analysis

-Step Brothers is a 2008 American buddy slapstick comedy film starring Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly. The screenplay was written by Ferrell and Adam McKay, from a story written by them with Reilly. It was produced by Jimmy Miller and Judd Apatow, and directed by McKay.
- The plot of step brothersis two unemployed, middle-aged and spoiled men who still live with and are reliant on their parents. They have no intention of moving out or finding jobs and behave childishly. When Brennan's mother Nancy -Mary Steenburgen and Dale's father Robert -Richard Jenkins- marry. Furthermore Brennan and Dale are forced to live with each other as step brothers. Their parents warn them that they must find jobs within a month or else be forced out of the house. When Brennan's younger brother Derek -Adam Scott comes to visit with his oddly perfect family, he too mocks them and entices Dale to punch him in the face. Brennan is awed that Dale was able to stand up to Derek. Meanwhile, Brennan's sister-in-law Alice -Kathryn Hahn who is also resentful of Derek, finds Dale's courage a turn on. Brennan and Dale discover their many shared interests and develop a strong personal bond.
- During the step brothers trailer we are shown two sides of the film where the two brothers don't like each other and then a side when they like each other and get along like normal brothers. The way the trailer introduces the characters is done in a way which infers there childish behaviours within the film.
- The beginning of the trailer starts with a close up side view of the two parents getting married which the audience shall infer that each of the parents are the 'boys' separate parents which shall give the audience insight to what's going to be included throughout the film and within the narrative and storyline which shall make the audience have more of an understanding which shall make them want to watch the film which shall make it successful within the film industry. During the beginning of the there's the use of non-diegtic sound with a voice-over of a man explaining and introducing the married of the parents. Which then cuts to a medium shot of the car view of the mum driving and her son in the back which is represented and portrayed as a child usually tends to be in the back of the car not at the front. The sons body language is shown as being angry as he doesn't want to move in with another person which infers he liked being an only child and living with his mum.
- The trailer then cuts to a close up of one of the brothers saying ' hello' then shot reserve shot to the other brother saying ' hello ' in response. The effect of showing shot reserve shot with close up shots infers there emotion and their feelings towards the brothers having to live together which shall make the audience engage with the film and characters The trailer then cuts to a long shot of the the brother which lives at the house with his dad which his body language portrays he isn't happy with someone else moving into his house. The two brothers then fight on the floor which links with the conventions of comedy genre film as they are middle ages men being shown as being children which is a convention of a horror genre film within the film industry. The trailer then cuts to the family having dinner round the table where the dad says ' one day your going to have to share a room ' which then cuts to a birds eyed view shot of the brothers sharing a room. During the first part of the trailer its the brothers not liking each other and its inferring towards the audience that theres going to be childish actions which are going to be taking place from the two step brothers which is presented within the first part of the trailer which includes digging one of the brothers up in a whole they created in the garden, leaving one of the brothers out a sea and hitting one of the brothers with some of the brothers drum kit which shall give the audience an understanding of the step brothers relationship within the film.
- The last part of the trailer infers towards the audience that the two step brothers get along as the middle of the trailer cuts the trailer with the screen saying ' from the guys who brought you Talladega nights' which separates the relationship between the two step brothers and makes it easier for the audience to perceive which shall make them engaged within the film and within the characters are there love hate relationship. The trailer cuts to a medium side shot of the two step brothers agreeing on something which they both share love for which infers towards the audience that they are going to get along during the film and patch there differences up to become normal step brothers. However, the conventions of comedy conventions doesn't stop there the trailer includes clips from the film of when the brothers are up to no good and want to do adventurous stuff together which in tales that their mischievous and being represented as children which is a convention of a comedy film.
- The end of the film includes a clip from the film of the two boys which look to be in a meeting for something which the two step brothers are winding up the women which they are speaking two where it leads to her swearing at them to get out of her office which infers that the two step brothers have miss behaving, the trailer ends with the date of when the film is released which gives the audience the information about the film which shall make the audience want to watch the film which shall make the film have a fan base and popular which shall make the film successful within the film industry.

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