Thursday 12 September 2013

Research and planning - total film magazine cover analysis

- The total film magazine cover uses the main image of Johnny Depp by using this successful actor within the film industry shall make the audience want to read the magazine as he has a fan base from the audience. Furthermore, the magazine isn't based and aimed towards everyone its based and aimed to a small group which is more towards children as the film 'Charlie and the chocolate factory' is a children's film which the people which buy the magazine are going to include and be the younger generations. The body language and eye contact of how Johnny Depp is shown on the magazine cover is re ensures towards the audience he looks reliable and someone which is going to look after you which shall make the audience feel engaged towards him and the film which shall make the audience more intrigued to watch the film.
- The colour used and included within the magazine cover are bright and bold colours which denotes happiness and excitement which is what the younger generation enjoy and its something which appeals to them as bright colours shall attract it to the audience as the younger generation like colour. However, the text within the film uses statement colours which signify importance. The use of the colour grey and white for the texts infers the importance of what is being said within the magazine cover. The use of the colour white on for the title of the magazine cover gives it some significance within the magazine cover. The colour white represents purity. By having the colour red for the 'total' which is placed and positioned in the 'F' for 'film' which is in bold letters which has used the colour white. By having the colour green in the background infers that its grass which shall infer towards the audience that film is going to be fun and exciting which shall appeal to a younger generation audience.
-  By having 'Charlie and the chocolate factory' and the main image Johnny Depp displayed as the most important part of the magazine cover shall infer towards the audience that the magazine is selling that film and the majority of the magazine is about that film which shall make the film have a fan base which shall make the film successful within the film industry.

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