Monday 9 September 2013

Research and planning - safe haven film poster analysis

- The background of the film poster has the location of a beach which links with the genre of the film as its a romance. The beach interprets a calm romantic setting which infers that the film is a romantic genre film. By having the background on the poster of a beach in the distance of the two main characters with nothing but sea in the distance infers that its a quiet place where they shall make there relationship blossom which is a cliche and convention of a romantic genre film.
- The USP of the film is at the top of the film poster where it includes text saying its produced by the same people as the note book and dear john which are successful romantic films within the film industry. By having this based at the top of the film poster shall instantly attracted the audience as the producers and directors of those films made a success out of them. Which shall make safe haven have a fan base before the film is released which shall make the film more well known within the film industry.
- By having the image of the two main characters in a position and body language of them being in love as they are about to kiss already interprets that its a romance genre film and it infers that those two are in love which is a convention of a romance genre film.
- The way the the colours have contrasted together with a dim and bright light variety of colours make a link with the picture. Examples of this from the film poster are the way they haven't used dark bold colours within the film poster they've used bright colours which infer happiness, the sunlight shinning through the two main characters whilst there kissing highlights the fact that there in love. With there eyes being closed infers more passion between them.
- The use of the colour blue from the sky represents trust between the two main characters and loyalty and sharing confidence with each other. The use of the contrast of the colour white blending in with the blue infers heaven and calmness as a beach is known and represented to be a calm place to be and sets the mood for romance.
- The way the text is positioned within the film poster is done in a clever way as its not distracting the image and the whole film poster its been put to the middle bottom of the film poster where its not used a distinct font they've used a simple font with a light colour which is noticeable but doesn't hide the rest of the film poster which shall make the audience come to terms with the film poster and what it infers and what the film is going to in tale which in what a film poster is meant to achieve and do within the film industry.

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