Thursday 12 September 2013

Research and planning - step brothers film poster analysis

- The 2008 film poster step brothers uses the main image and background as the two main characters which is of them smiling as if its a family photo and the way they are dressed which is shown to look similar to each other as if there mum has dressed them which shall infer towards the audience that its a comedy genre film as having two middle aged men which look childish represents the film to have humour and for it to be funny which is a convention of a comedy genre film. 
- By having the actors names on the top of the film poster shall create a fan base before the film is released as the actors are well known and a success within the film industry. Will ferrel has starred in many successful films within the film industry which includes the films Mega Mind and Semi Pro and John c. Reiley has starred in films which include Carnage and Walk hard- the dewey cox story which were successful within the film industry which shall make the audience want to watch the film which shall make the film more of a success within the film industry. 
- The text ' They grow up so fast' links with there age as they are represented as being children and childish the title of the film has used two different colours red and white which contrast well together as red represents danger which shall infer towards the audience that there's arguments between the brothers within the film and that something is going to occur within the film. Whereas the colour white infers purity which shall also infer that they do have a close relationship which gives the audience an interpretation and perception about the characters and what's going to be included and what's going to happen throughout the film and what the narrative and storyline includes which shall make the audience want to watch the film and what happens within the film which shall make the film successful within the film industry. 
- The use of the colour blue for the background links with  a picture being taken as that's the background for a family photo if its being done professionally which creates a sense of them trying to look serious which makes the film poster more interesting and links with the convention of a horror genre film. The colour blue usually represents stability and loyalty which links with the two main characters being step brothers which links to the title of the film.
-Overall, the film poster for the film step brothers gives the audience an idea of what's going to be included within the film which the film poster doesn't give to much away about the film which is what a film poster consists of within the film industry.  

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